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Take Action Against Anxiety-Seriously, Punch it in the Face

We all know the sting of anxiety. I know I do. Whether you have struggled with an anxiety disorder or have been in a situation that had caused you momentary anxiety I think it is safe to say that most of us have dealt with the panic, paralyzing feeling of anxiety. Now, I don't have all the answers but I do have a little bit of experience and I am going to share with you some things that have helped me along the way in the battle of anxiety.

First, let me tell you that your war, if you wish to call it that, with anxiety is already won by our Savior Jesus Christ. He loves you and would never want you to be stuck alone. He is with you and He will not leave you in this place. With that being said He has given us tools and the ability to fight back. I have to say this first because it is the most powerful and important thing you can do. Pray. Whether you spend five hours praying or five seconds uttering a single word God hears you and He is listening. Prayer is something that is so powerful and even in the anxious moments you can know that when you pray, someone has heard you and not just anyone but the King of the universe. He listens!

Now, here are a few other action steps:

Get up and do something. I know this can seem impossible with the feelings that anxiety brings on, trust me I do. There have been many times in my life where anxiety has left me stuck and my mom would have me get up and do something with myself. At first, yes, it was insanely hard, I would put up a fight, almost literally, but I found by taking action, more often than not, my anxiety would dissipate over time.

Some suggests on how to take action? Do something that brings you joy. Paint, bake cookies or anything else that your heart desires, go for a walk, read a light-hearted book or watch a comedy, read your Bible, exercise and sweat it out, even laying on the ground and breathing deeply and slowly is taking steps to fighting off anxiety. Sometimes maybe you will need someone to sit in the moment with you and remind you to breathe and that is ok, it happens to all of us and we all need a helping hand from time to time when we cannot fight it on our own but do not let panic be a reason to not stand up and fight, give it your best shot. I say this with all the love I have for you, Bro, you have to get up and do something about it. If you don't it will consume you. Again, it doesn't have to be anything drastic, just one simple action that says, "No. I won't take it. I will not be consumed." You are a warrior, my friend and your battle may be hard but the war is already won. Keep taking action steps. Try some of the suggested above or discover your own anxiety fighters and joy finders. I believe in you.

Lots of Love,


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